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‘Phantom of the Opera: The Motion Picture’ (1989) is an oft forgotten, but no less formidable film version of the classic tale

One would think that a studio beating the iron while it was truly piping hot would see them reap important financial rewards. Alas, the 1989 film Phantom bears little resemblance to its 1986 operatic counterpart, and this fact probably caught the first movie going crowds off guard, subsequently causing poor word of mouth. The truth of the matter is that, with a little bit of patience, the movie is quite solid on the whole and offers some fresh ideas (and an excellent score courtesy of Misha Segal).

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The 2014 Montreal comic-con a success despite disappointments

If you weren’t at this year’s Montreal Comic-con, which was held from the 12th until the 14th of September at the Palais des Congres, then did you ever miss out. Although the Montreal convention isn’t normally known for its selection of guests, this year the con managed to not just pull in a few stars, …

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