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Television that Home Video Forgot: Commander in Chief (2005)

Commander in Chief is one of those shows that had a strong representation of a woman in political power that was not made to appear as simply a woman stereotype, but as leader who only happened to be a woman, a representation that was by far a landmark in television history and should be remembered as a series that although had it’s production problems, still stands as a significant step towards a future where equality includes gender, even in the highest office of the United States.

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Be-Seiged:  The Gordon Williams Novel V. Sam Peckinpah’s Straw Dogs V. Rod Lurie’s Remake

Heaven and earth are ruthless And treat the myriad creatures as straw dogs; The sage is ruthless And treats the people as straw dogs The Cahiers du Cinema called it “the furious springtime of world cinema,” and nowhere was it more furious than in the United States. From the 1960s through the 1970s, a confluence …

Read More about Be-Seiged:  The Gordon Williams Novel V. Sam Peckinpah’s Straw Dogs V. Rod Lurie’s Remake