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Veep, Ep 2.09: “Running” illustrates what a polar opposite Selina Meyer would be like, as the administration falls into deeper trouble

Selina admitting knowledge of the CIA spy last week came at the heels of a season-long campaign where she has ended up on the losing end of most political matters without having any say in the decision. Becoming the public face of accountability for atleast one of the government’s scandals thus gave her the ability to control the narrative in atleast one situation. The season’s penultimate episode this week sees Selina try to take further control of her political career as she realises her role in the current administration, in an episode that continues to be funny while still managing to effectively move the characters forward.

Read More about Veep, Ep 2.09: “Running” illustrates what a polar opposite Selina Meyer would be like, as the administration falls into deeper trouble

Veep, Ep 2.03: “Hostages” provides a glimpse at Meyer’s humanity while giving Sue her own storyline

Speeches are a key part of any politician’s career. A good speech can immortalise a politician, while a bad one can weigh down the rest of their career like an anchor. The amount of time politicians and their staff spend on the specific wording of any given speech, and the message it conveys, thus makes sense in this context, but nonetheless remains an absurd exercise, and it is this aspect of politics that Veep tackles this week, in an episode that displays the human side of Selina Meyer while turning the spotlight on the one-upmanship politicians play with civilian lives.

Read More about Veep, Ep 2.03: “Hostages” provides a glimpse at Meyer’s humanity while giving Sue her own storyline