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‘Green Lantern: Secret Origin’ is the Emotional Core of Geoff Johns’ Run

Geoff Johns’ run on Green Lantern produced the seminal take on Green Lantern. Johns took a struggling and insipid franchise and turned it into a consistent top seller. He made Green Lantern matter again by crafting an entire universe based solely on the power of emotions. His run never lacked heart, as the biggest theme was the complex relationship of Hal Jordan and Sinestro. This was never more evident than in Secret Origin one of the most compelling and insightful stories ever conceived by the legendary Geoff Johns.

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‘Blackest Night’- Hoping the Dawn Never Comes

What makes Blackest Night one of the best event comics of the past 10 years is that it seems real. Not in the sense that dead superheroes wanting to eat your heart could actually happen, but in the sense that it’s one of the most organic crossovers ever written. Because it was borne from another series that slowly began to escalate into a line wide conflict, Blackest Night never feels like an annual gratuitous crossover, as many event comics do. It makes sense that something as encapsulating as the War of Light or the Blackest Night would invariably affect the rest of the DCU, and because the crisis is injected into the rest of the DCU with such precision, the Blackest Night comes off as being a much direr situation than previous event crises. Blackest Night never feels complimentary or lifeless because it was the natural progression of what Geoff Johns was building to on Green Lantern. But as we praise Blackest Night as the seminal comic event, let’s not forget that it all really started with Alan Moore.

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‘Sinestro’ – The Hottest New Title from DC Comics

Sinestro #1 Written by Cullen Bunn Art by Dale Eaglesham. Cover by Dale Eaglesham Published by DC Comics Thaal Sinestro is not a pleasant individual. A former Green Lantern who renounced his alleigance and would – eventually – become the leader of the feared Sinestro Corps, whose warriors would spread fear throughout the galaxy. However, …

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