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Orphan Black, Ep. 2.09, “Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done” ties up loose ends, prepares finale

It’s been a strong, if scattered sophomore season for Orphan Black thus far, with the series doubling down on character while it addresses some of its lingering problems, chief among them the lack of a compelling antagonist. Despite the introduction of Michelle Forbes as the vaguely ominous Marion Bowles, this still remains an issue for the show two episodes after Leekie’s death. Donnie’s accidental homicide was a step in the right direction (Leekie was never a particularly successful villain), but the series seems unwilling to commit to Rachel as their Big Bad and it hasn’t put in enough time to make any other character a legitimate threat.

Read More about Orphan Black, Ep. 2.09, “Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done” ties up loose ends, prepares finale

Orphan Black, Ep. 2.03, “Mingling Its Own Nature With It” adds new pieces to the puzzle

Orphan Black picks up this week right where the previous episode left off and builds momentum as it goes. While there’s plenty of new mythology here, what makes the series continue to shine is the character-based approach it takes to these new developments. We open with a less-than-refreshed Sarah and Felix on the lam with Kira, roughing it in the country in their truck, but rather than dive in immediately with schemes or a reminder of the various threats against them, we get a full scene of the two reacting to last week’s revelation of Mrs. S’s utter badassdom.

Read More about Orphan Black, Ep. 2.03, “Mingling Its Own Nature With It” adds new pieces to the puzzle