The teenage criminal Eric Love (Jack O’Connell) seems street-smart enough to navigate the corruption of the British prison system. But after his violent streak sends him to an adult prison, Eric comes face to face with Nev (Ben Mendelsohn), a career criminal…and his long-lost father. The two have not seen each other in years, and while they warily test each other, other murderous authority figures attempt to control the boy. Director David Mackenzie (Young Adam,TFF 2003) has crafted a lean, vigorous film, shot economically by Winter’s Bone DP Michael McDonoughfrom the utterly convincing script by Jonathan Asser, a former therapist in the prison system. But Starred Up’s greatest pleasure is O’Connell’s sensationally kinetic breakout role, reminiscent of Tahar Rahim in A Prophet. Somewhere in Movie Star Heaven, James Cagney is applauding. –LG (U.K., 2013, 100m)
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