Swamp Thing “The Anatomy Lesson” is a Revisionist, Suspenseful Masterpiece
Swamp Thing #21
Written by Alan Moore
Pencilled by Stephen Bissette
Inked by John Totleben
Colors by Tatjana Wood
Published by DC Comics
If you walked down a street and asked a random passerby to name a comic book writer or artist, they would probably say Stan Lee. After that, they would probably say Alan Moore. Alan Moore is famous for Watchmen, V for Vendetta, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and other books whose film adaptations he has disowned. Before doing these famous and popular comics, he did some work for 2000 AD,Marvel UK, and Warrior where he wrote Marvelman, which was later changed to Miracleman and was a dark deconstruction of the superhero genre. This dark deconstructive theme continued to Moore’s first work on an American comic: DC Comics’ Saga of the Swamp Thing.