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Kenny’s Five Best and Worst Films of Fantasia 2014

Covering Fantasia for the first time was a hectic, enjoyable experience.  They give you a badge with your name on it and everything.  However, as for this year’s lineup, I have a little trouble being enthusiastic.  With some major exceptions like Guardians of Galaxy, not listed here only because it’s appearance at the Festival seemed …

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Fantasia 2014: Edgar’s top 5 films

A festival the likes of Fantasia is not to be tread lightly. For a variety of evident reasons it is a behemoth of an event, lasting far longer than the vast majority of other movie festivals and offering a slew of genre features and shorts ranging from lighter fair some may deem to be mainstream to supremely hard core, provocateur material. As with any event of similar ilk, not everything showcased earns the passing grade.

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Fantasia 2014: ‘Time Lapse’ is a twisted tale about people’s obsession with their destinies

For the most part Time Lapse efficiently builds suspense around its simple conceit, offering a tightly wound up story that showcases how a once closely-knit unit can break apart when its pieces begin to obsess over the details of their respective lives that were, that are and those that shall come to pass. Bradley King smartly offers up a depiction of people’s obsession with destiny. In this case said destiny is not manifest in the traditionally understood sense but rather figuratively served on a platter for the trio of plucky protagonists to observe, digest and then obsessively try to adhere to it out of fear that any deviation will lead to their ultimate obliteration.

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