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The Good Wife, Ep. 5.21 “The One Percent” pits winners against losers

Somewhere along the way, Alicia Florrick became a great politician. She probably always had some solid political instincts about her, but at some point, she moved to the next level. She can schmooze businessmen like James Paisley (Tom Skerritt), fight off accusation lobbed at her from any number of directions, and still manage to settle a case, all while keeping her sham of a marriage looking sparkly enough for outsiders to approve. Alicia can do many things well, but perhaps her best asset is also one we have seen her develop: The ability to walk the corridors of power like she owns the place, to convince the people at the top that she is the one to have on their side.

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‘At Middleton’ a mawkish stab at a middle-age romantic drama

At Middleton Written by Glenn German and Adam Rodgers Directed by Adam Rodgers USA, 2013 The new drama At Middleton appears to be both for and created by the stereotypical teenager’s worst nightmare, their stereotypically embarrassing parents. Andy Garcia (who co-produced) and Vera Farmiga, in their best moments, have a decent enough chemistry, but for …

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