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Toronto After Dark 2010: Rubber

“Rubber is this century’s Attack of the Killer Tomatoes…” Rubber Directed by Quentin Dupieux Director/writer Quentin Dupieux’s horror-comedy Rubber opens with the narrator asking the questions that have long baffled humanity: “Why is ET brown?  In the movie JFK, why does that president get assassinated?  And why do some people like sausages and other people …

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Toronto After Dark 2010: Rubber

Anyone expecting a conventional horror or comedy film will be disappointed. Rubber Dir. Quentin Dupieux (2010, France, 85 mins.) Quentin Dupieux has brought us one of the year’s most interesting, intelligent, and worthwhile films. To say that Rubber is about a sentient, psychokinetic, murderous tire would be accurate, but would also miss the point. This …

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