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Television that Home Video Forgot: Reaper (2007)

Reaper has the kind of premise that could’ve gone on for much longer than it was given. Ideally it would’ve been the M*A*S*H of supernatural shows with Ray Wise as the Hawkeye constant, where after a cycle they could get a new group for the Devil to play with. Unfortunately, the show got the axe before it could even properly close out the Sam era. Hopefully, Fazekas & Butters will be able to get enough pull to someday revive the show again and bring closure to the story they began with Sam and the Devil. There is a chance that this could happen now more than ever before, being that there has been a recent trend of TV show revivals surfacing as of late. As it is, Reaper is still a really entertaining show that is quality and warrants a place in your collection.

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31 Days of Horror: ‘Tucker And Dale vs. Evil’ is dead set on fun

Over the years, Canadian film and television has gotten a reputation for being something that leaves a lot to be desired. It’s often depicted as low budget productions with mediocre acting, and a film grain to make you cringe. Except more and more, outstanding Canadian cinema is making headlines in Hollywood for being cutting edge, artistic, meaningful, not to mention downright funny. From the classic Quebec film C.R.A.Z.Y., the franco-anglo production Bon Cop Bad Cop to The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Canadian films are more than just bad film stereotypes; they’re innovative, imaginative, and a joy to watch.

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‘Cottage Country’ Movie Review – makes a hilarious joke out of bad behaviour

Are people experiencing any fatigue with the decades old ‘cabin in the woods’ horror routine wherein a small party of reasonably innocent individuals opt to spend some much desired vacation in a solitary cabin in the wilderness, only to be chased, mauled, haunted or possessed by the nebulous forces of evil?

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Are ‘Go On’ and ‘Animal Practice’ worth your time?

As my colleague Kate Kulzick pointed out last week, NBC has chosen to use the boost in ratings they’ve gained from their exclusive US airing of the 2012 Summer Olympics to try and give some of their new shows a running start. Among the crowd that they’re hoping gains, and retains, an audience from the …

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