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‘The Death Defying Dr. Mirage’ #1 is part spectral romance, part ghost hunt

The Death Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #1 is a fun Ghostbusters meet Indiana Jones paranormal adventure with an intelligent, complex female lead, who has a subtle sense of humor. As a first issue, there is a lot of set-up for future issues in the miniseries, but Jen Van Meter’s writing keeps things interesting with a jet setting pace and a tender central relationship between Shan and her incorporeal hubby Hwen. Roberto de la Torre’s art is a real treat with gorgeous cathedrals, churches, and libraries dotting the scenery to go along with his literally spectral linework. This comic is worth checking out for fans of supernatural and adventure stories and does an excellent job of introducing the character of Dr. Shan Fong-Mirage for those who didn’t read the first miniseries (Like yours truly.)

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‘Dead Drop’ #1 is frantic, fun, and action packed

With Ales Kot’s simple plot of ‘catch the bad guy’ with a tinge of sci-fi influenced potential pandemic, alongside the artwork of Adam Gorham and Michael Spicer, and letterer Dave Sharpe, Dead Drop is already a lot of fun. Don’t feel guilty if you need an oxygen tank by the time the last page comes. The only way to describe the adrenaline pumping first issue is to quote the great philosopher Samuel L. Jackson from the film Jurassic Park: “Hold onto your butts.”

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