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5 Intimate Character Dramas to See Before ‘The End of the Tour’

The End of the Tour is just the latest in a series of movies that feel tight, contained, and downright theatrical. Much of this has to do with the film’s incredibly basic premise, one where two characters simply sit and talk. These films don’t feel cinematic. They feel inherently small, and lack any obvious sense of …

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‘Venus in Fur’ is a luxurious treat

What is art if not an artist’s fiction translated into reality? A fiction wrought from fear, self-loathing and prejudice that escapes the confines of a sonnet and burrows its way into the collective consciousness. Now it is reality. Now it has power. Now it’s an idea, and ideas are poisonous. Rather than dispelling the poisonous reality, Polanski’s Venus in Fur toys with the delicate fiction lying beneath. It’s a study in role-playing, where the players and creators are equally baffled by the game. More importantly, this is the intensely personal work of an artist who understands that only by blurring the lines between fiction and reality can he approach what Herzog calls, “the ecstatic truth.”

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