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The Flash, Ep. 1.19, “Who is Harrison Wells”: The Secret is Out on Wells

Barry has assembled his team to start figuring out how Harrison Wells could be the Reverse Flash. The problem is that one member, Caitlin, is still unconvinced that Wells could possibly be behind all of bad things going on. In the meanwhile, a string of crimes are being committed, with the suspect who’s caught on camera having no idea how they were there. With Joe and Cisco taking a trip to Starling City to investigate the Wells car crash, it is up to Barry, Eddie, and Caitlin to take on a new shape-shifting meta-human.

Read More about The Flash, Ep. 1.19, “Who is Harrison Wells”: The Secret is Out on Wells

Gotham, Ep. 1.13, “Welcome Back, Jim Gordon” spotlights Fish’s spectacular downfall

This week’s episode of Gotham is a transitional point for the season as the events of the last episode changed the status quo for many of the characters. It is typically difficult for an episode following a climactic event to continue the momentum and also set up the stage for what is to come, but this episode manages to find enough interesting beats to play with only a few instances of padding.

Read More about Gotham, Ep. 1.13, “Welcome Back, Jim Gordon” spotlights Fish’s spectacular downfall