Age of Ultron #9 Uses Dialogue and Characterization to Begin to Wrap Up the Series
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Pencilers: Carlos Pacheco and Brandon Peterson Colorists: Jose Villarubia and Paul Mounts Cover: Carlos Pacheco Publisher: Marvel Brian Michael Bendis deftly handles the multiple timelines that he has set up in the previous issues and resolves some plot threads in a logical fashion while setting up a big finale that could …
Age of Ultron #7 Uses Action and Dialogue to Establish a New Status Quo
Age of Ultron #7 Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Pencillers: Brandon Peterson, Carlos Pacheco Inker: Roger Martinez Colorists: Paul Mounts, Jose Villarubia Publisher: Marvel So I think that Age of Ultron has basically become a less extreme Age of Apocalypse for the entire Marvel universe. There are lots of familiar faces in this issue, but they’re not who they seem. …
Wolverine’s Healing Factor: Enough is Enough
Last week, the long awaited trailer for Fox’s The Wolverine (which may as well have the subtitle “We Know we Made a Whoopsie on That Last one so We’re Adapting the Chris Claremont/Frank Miller Comic Now Please Don’t Hate us Anymore”) finally dropped, and in its scant two minute running time it reveals quite a …
The Ten Best Wolverine Artists (Part 2)
When these artists started working, Wolverine was one of Marvel’s biggest stars. He got his own solo book in 1988 and was prominently featured in Fox’s long-running X-Men cartoon. Wolverine also appeared in his first solo video games Wolverine and Wolverine: Adamantium Rage in 1991 and 1994. In comics, this was a time of experimentation and changes for the character. He …
The Ten Best Wolverine Artists (Part 1)
Wolverine is Marvel’s most popular character after Spider-Man, and he’s everywhere. Hugh Jackman has played him in four X-Men films, one solo film, and is set to return for a solo film this summer along with X-Men: Days of Future Past in 2014. In comics, Wolverine can be found in Savage Wolverine, the upcoming Wolverine …
Savage Wolverine Brings Pulp to Marvel Now!
Savage Wolverine #1 Written by Frank Cho Art & Cover by Frank Cho & colorist Jason Keith Published by Marvel This week, Marvel released the newest in their run of Marvel Now! relaunches with Frank Cho’s “Savage Wolverine.” Arguably the most recognizable of the X-Men, and certainly Marvel’s most popular adamantium-blade wielding mutant, Wolverine was …
Darren Aronofsky drops out of ‘The Wolverine’ Project
Not too long ago it was reported that Academy Award-nominated director Darren Aronofsky would be directing what seemed to be a very promising sequel to the Wolverine. Unfortunately, now it seems that Aronofsky won’t be directing the film after all. In a statement with the Hollywood Reporter Aronofsky said: “As I talked more about the …
Darren Aronofsky returns to the drug world with ‘Intricate’
Darren Aronofsky is no stranger to drugs and movies. His 2000 heroin-and-pills drama Requiem for a Dream cemented his auteur status and scored him a loyal cult following. Now according to 24 Frames, the director is returning to the world of drug films with Intricate, “a story of a promising young athlete who finds himself …
Jackman Confirms Aronofsky For Wolverine 2
Yesterday, it was reported that locations were being scouted with the possibility of Darren Aronofsky about 90% confirmed to direct. Today, Vulture has released a conversation held with Hugh Jackman at Elton John’s Enduring Vision gala last night stating that Aronofsky is confirmed to direct. “‘This is, hopefully for me, going to be out of …