The Affair, Season 1, Episode 9: “9″
Teleplay by Melanie Marnich and Kate Robin, Story by Dan LeFranc
Directed by Jeffrey Reiner
Airs Sundays at 10 pm ET on Showtime
While the end of the Soloways’ stay in Montauk seemed to signal the end of the affair between Alison and Noah, last week’s episode proved that, while the two may have tried to move on by being honest with their spouses, time had not dulled the affection the two seemed to feel for each other, nor had it lessened the desire for the affair’s continuation on either side. This week’s episode sees Alison and Noah take drastic steps to act on things they have wanted to do for a long time, in another compelling episode that further develops Noah and Alison, giving the audience the clearest look yet at what drives both individuals.
Alison’s actions and reactions this week gives the audience the clearest look they’ve had into her motivations so far. While this has been pointed out before, this episode clearly indicates that Alison considers Montauk a prison of sorts, and is desperate to get out by any means necessary, even if it leads to the dissolution of her marriage. With both her affair with Noah and the financial security of the ranch crumbling this week, Alison’s actions going forward will be worth keeping an eye on. Despite Cole’s willingness to leave Montauk with Alison, the chances of him wanting to return back are strong, as it’s clear that he’s willing to leave only to support Alison. Cole’s desire to stay in Montauk, close to his siblings, the ranch, and his son’s grave has been shown before, and it may be a matter of time before that desire resurfaces again. Even if it doesn’t, however, how closely Alison associates Cole with Gabriel is likely to have an impact on their relationship. If Alison feels unable to shake Gabriel’s memory while she’s with Cole, then that could spell a number of issues, from the potential breakup of her marriage to another regression into cutting, or another suicide attempt. How the duo deal with the financial reality of the ranch, as well as what role Noah plays in Alison’s life going forward, and what gets her from her current state to being able to care for a child once again, are all set to be compelling developments.
Noah’s actions this week also serve to bring the character into sharper focus. The disconnect between Noah’s motivations for the affair and Alison’s motivations have always been evident, but this episode shows, for the first time since the end of the summer in Montauk, Noah’s true reasons for wanting to continue things with Alison. During the summer, Noah’s desire to escape from his in-laws and/or his book could be cited as a potential reason why he wanted to spend time with Alison. However, with those issues behind him for now, as well as his knowledge that Alison and the Lockharts are drug dealers, the fact that Noah not only continues to engage with Alison, but is willing to declare his love for her, shows how invested he is in the relationship. With his marriage now practically over, and Alison choosing Cole over Noah, it will be interesting to see how the latter copes with this turn of events. With Alison and Cole’s destination still unknown, Noah doesn’t really have anywhere else to go, as a residence in Montauk would be difficult even with Alison. He’ll certainly be unable to follow Alison, as she has made her choice clear, which may cause Noah to re-evaluate Max’s statements about love. How Noah acts now will provide the clearest indication of what kind of person he is, particularly with his eldest daughter going through a crisis of her own. Whether or not Noah tries to re-kindle a relationship with Helen, or simply continues being a father without being a husband, will say a lot about him.
The show continues to maintain its high quality as it heads into the first season finale. The farm’s mortgage and dire financial straits perfectly explains the elder Lockhart’s reluctance to sell, and validates Alison’s observations last week, proving that she isn’t oblivious to what’s happening around her. Alison’s descent back into cutting is a shocking moment, and it will be intriguing to see how her time with Oscar is received by both Noah and Cole, neither of whom are fond of Alison’s ex-boss. Her breakdown in the doctor’s office is also heartbreaking to watch, and the reveal that Alison blames herself for being careless in Gabriel’s death casts her actions to date in a new light. The reveal that Scott got Whitney pregnant adds an intriguing layer to the present-day investigation. While Oscar’s animosity towards the Lockharts continues to be a concern, it’s clear that Noah’s feelings towards Scott cannot be discounted either, and his anger towards Scott may have grown with Alison choosing Cole over Noah. The combination of these factors, as well as the Detective discovering Noah’s lie about his residence at The End, certainly puts the writer in a suspicious position, and whether the Detective acts on this or not, as well as how Alison and Noah deal with the upheavels both go through this week, will be worth watching when the season finale rolls around next week.
– Deepayan Sengupta