The Blacklist, Season 1, Episode 18: “Milton Bobbit”
Written by Daniel Voll
Directed by Steven A. Adelson
Airs Mondays at 10pm EST on NBC
The fascinating thing about The Blacklist this week is watching Elizabeth Keen slowly learn more about who her husband really is. Just like last week, believing in something or doing something with conviction is the theme, and it makes for a really solid episode. Milton Bobbit’s scheme was to get terminally ill people to kill important people via suicide attempt. This act involves killing someone and yourself along with them. In return for their suicide, the family of the terminally ill individual would be provided for after their death.
One draw that this show provides viewers is the unique way criminals conduct their crimes. The tricky thing about this week is that the scenes involving Elizabeth and Tom lose their ability to be interesting. Last week’s story gave us an unlimited number of directions for the show to go once agent Keen learned the truth about her husband. This week’s episode, however, takes the plainest route and has Keen lightly investigate the identity of her husband. Audiences seem to enjoy the show most when Keen proves herself as a knowledgeable and perceptive agent. Writer Daniel Voll seems to not give the character credit where credit is due by not letting Keen fully discover the entity behind her husband’s operation. However, Keen does finally get to show off more of her tough interview skills, which brings the character back to her roots.
As usual, Red steals the show with his smarmy but charming antics. One thing that Spader brings to The Blacklist is a sense of fun in the tensest situations. While Red is never the one that puts viewers in their seats, his antics keep audiences amused and curious as to what might happen next. This episode didn’t exactly open many new doors for Keen to step through, but it provided the audience with curiosity about her husband’s next move, which is all the show needed to do.
– Chike Coleman