Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Reilly Brown
Published by DC Comics
Lobo #1 is penned by Cullen Bunn, who seems to be mostly writing villains these days (Sinestro & Magneto) so he’s in familiar territory. Pencils are handled by Reilly Brown. His art doesn’t exactly pop, but it’s serviceable. Brown does prove himself to have a knack for drawing kinetic action and gore without going overboard.
What’s the plot? After dispensing with his beer bellied counterpart (also known as “Fauxbo”), Lobo finds himself hired by a sketchy old acquaintance for one big job. Eight of the best assassins in the universe have had their massive hit lists put on hold for a single high paying client. Lobo’s been hired to kill them before they reach their target, eight assassins means eight paydays. Naturally he takes it up. Though something bigger is going on than what he’s being told, he pays the game for now. Lobo himself has some secrets. Before the destruction of the Czarnia, he stood close to the Emperor and even closer to his daughter. Lobo also seems to carry a great guilt to whatever befell the Czarnian race and it connects with his rivaling Main Man. “Lobo” is not just a name but a title.
Lobo #1 opens up with its fair share of hang ups. However they mostly stem from any connections with the previous Lobo. If this series simply starred a new space-faring anti-hero, there’d be little outcry. This new Lobo falls under the category of “handsome rogue with a troubled past”, which is not too uncommon. However, it has yet to be played as a true parody. Cullen Bunn can do wonders with a tongue-in-cheek sense of humor, which could really improve the book. Reilly Brown’s art doesn’t stand out too much though it’s crisp and clean (save for when blood is involved). His aliens lack the originality of other cosmic comics. He mostly draws mostly reptilian humanoids. Still, most of them are just around to get chopped up and blown to pieces. While this is not a terribly strong first issue, Lobo has the seeds of potential with a good writer at the helm, fine art, and some genuine mystery beyond what most would expect from a book about the Main Man.