Story: Joe Harris with Chris Carter
Writer: Joe Harris
Art: Michael Walsh
Colours: Jordie Bellaire
Editor: Denton J. Tipton
Letters: Robbie Robbins
Executive Producer: Chris Carter
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Nine seasons, two movies, a video game, a spin-off, toys, comics and if that weren’t enough, we now have a new season from creator Chris Carter himself. Yes, The X-Files is back and the fact that there are still fans, even after all the pop market saturation, is a testament to the staying power of the brand. While there have been X-Files comics before, this is a true continuation of the story we have come to know and love. IDW and series creator Chris Carter have followed in the trend of continuing cancelled shows in comic book form a la Dark Horse’s Buffy and DC’s Smallville. But it’s been 11 years since the last episode and after coming off of some very poor creative decisions, and the last movie that most people would like to forget, is there still a place for a believer and skeptic amongst our over-crowded grabs?
Season 10 picks up some years after the events of the last film I Want to Believe. Mulder and Scully are now living together under aliases and have begun enjoying some much needed R&R&A (rest, relaxation and anonymity). That is, Until Deputy Director Skinner pays our duo a visit, informing them that someone has hacked into the X-Files. Mulder and Scully tell Skinner to take a hike, since they have moved on, yet just when they thought they were out, some dark shrouded people with blue glowing eyes pull them back in.
Joe Harris, working closely with Chris Carter, has crafted what appears to be, the start of an excellent episode. Not a beat is missed. Scully is still the skeptic and Mulder is still the sarcastic charmer. Despite the negativity that has been garnered toward The X-Files over the last couple seasons, it’s nice to be back on familiar turf. Mulder and Scully are one of pop culture’s most iconic couples and this issue works well in reminding us of that. The subtle fan cues, such as the courier typography and Mulder’s iconic wall poster are all there. But far more importantly, is fact that this issue sets up a mystery that hooks the reader and makes a believer out of fans again.
While Michael Walsh does manage to capture the spirit of the show in the artwork, it can be underwhelming at times. Mulder’s writers cave is packed full of Easter eggs, yet other pages seem sparse. It can really take the reader out of the experience. Luckily he manages to nail the creepy atmosphere surrounding the more suspenseful moment, and these minor gripes become just that; minor.
The X-Files Season 10 comic is the closest we will ever get to those Friday nights that many of us spent so long ago, terrified, bewildered and excited about the mysteries Mulder and Scully were unraveling before us. Like a visit from a long lost friend, Season 10 should be welcomed with open arms. Your Friday night terror is back to pursue at leisure. Now let’s get a Millennium book IDW, so we can party like it’s 1998!