This weekend at the Disney’s D23 Expo, it was annoucned that the Toy Story gang are coming back to the big screen later this year on November 23. The next Toy Story adventure titled Small Fry will play before The Muppets. Angus MacLane, who directed the Pixar short Burn-E, will helm this new adventure featuring Woody, Buzz, and the rest of the playroom gang. Meanwhile The Pixar Times adds the following about the plot of Small Fry:
“Looks like Buzz Lightyear is left behind at a fast-food restaurant and must find his way back home. In doing so he encounters some less popular, happy meal-like toys. One of those toys, a Mermaid of sorts, will be voiced by Glee‘s Jane Lynch.”
These popular animated toys were last seen in Toy Story: Hawaiian Vacation, which ran before Cars 2 this summer, and will be making its home video debut this November.