Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett’s new horror film, Devil’s Due revolves around a newlywed couple who experience an earlier-than-planned pregnancy, that causes the wife to experience odd behaviour that is initially wrote off as nothing but nerves. But, as the months pass, it becomes evident that the dark changes to her body and mind have a much more sinister origin. In order to drum up interest for the film which is set for release this weekend, some creative folks unleashed a demonic baby on the snowy streets of New York City, intended to scare anyone who approaches the infant’s carriage, while hidden cameras captured their reactions. The video is the creation of Thinkmodo, the NYC-based viral marketing company that’s been grabbing attention online for three years. They are best known for hacking the giant video screens in Times Square to promote Limitless, and were also responsible for making it look like people were flying over Manhattan to promote Chronicle. Perhaps their biggest success came with the prank to promote the remake of Carrie. That video went on to be viewed over 52 million times on YouTube. Watch their latest viral video below. Enjoy!