If you spend any amount of time here at Sound on Sight, you probably love movies, old and new. And you also love the Internet, which means you probably, every once in a while, love being first. How to combine those two loves? How about seeing some movies before they open in theaters? Well, it’s possible that you could be set for free screenings for the rest of 2013, if you win a cool new mobile scavenger game being offered by 43KIX, called “Discover 43KIX.” All you have to do is text “START” and your local zip code to 43549. If you find all the clues and text it to that number by Friday, June 28 by 11:59 PM PST, you’ll be eligible to be the lucky winner. So don’t wait much longer. You’ve only got a few days left to be the envy of all your moviegoing friends!