Mike Dougherty, who directed the very popular Halloween horror anthology Trick ‘r Treat has released a new short film, made for FEARnet. The channel will show an all-day Trick ‘r Treat marathon on October 31, and Dougherty’s short Making Friends is one of them. Enjoy!
For anyone who isn’t familiar with Trick ‘r Treat, the 2007 American horror film was based on a short film Season’s Greetings by Michael Dougherty. It was originally slated for an October 5, 2007 release, but instead Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures decided to release the film direct to DVD and Blu-ray. Thankfully the film found a loyal cult following after premiering at several genre festivals including Harry Knowles’ Butt-Numb-A-Thon film festival and Montreal Fantasia Festival. Many consider the anthology the very best horror anthology ever made.