The first rule of Secret Cinema is that you do not talk about Secret Cinema. The second rule of Secret Cinema is that its actually jolly good fun. The acclaimed programme returns this month with a new twist to its illicit proceedings, whereby previous events had pivoted on a single evenings secretive viewing the May program features for the first time a three week run, a reflection of the success and rising popularity of this hybrid of cinematical celebration and performance art. For the uninitiated Secret Cinema is a 21st century media installation merged with a prestigious movie screening, as a top secret location plays host to a movie which has been suitably camouflaged to enhance the ambiance, where actors reproduce scenes and elements of the film amongst the audience, where the live interaction with the environment proves to be a formidably memorable experience. Devotees can only obtain precious tickets by signing on for secret newsletters – the events quickly sell out – which in a nod back to the old school rave days then clandestinely reveals the location of the festivities.
The programme has boasted an eclectic selection of material throughout its brief history, from Wings of Desire to Lawrence of Arabia, from Blade Runner to The Red Shoes the team are happy to embrace a broad church of movies from the art house to the cult, the epic to the indigenous. In an era of sterile, aircraft hanger multiplexes and the attendant distractions of disrespectful patrons it is exhilarating to see such an immersive environment that reinvigorates the notion of a night at the flicks, with an attendant buzz of an underground happening that is at the spearhead of reviving the magic of a big screen adventure – this is genuine 3D without those pesky glasses. So what is this month’s celluloid treat? Well now that would be telling…..
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