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What we know about ‘FIFA 15’

What we know about ‘FIFA 15’


FIFA ’15
EA Canada
EA Sports
PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii

EA Sports showed the world the hotly anticipated FIFA 15 trailer back at the E3 Convention in June and last week they released a video further teasing fans with some amazing stadium graphics.

With the capabilities of next-generation consoles, EA has been able to transform the game. There is now a great ebb and flow to the game, fluidity is spot on, graphics are stupefying, all of which looks better than FIFA 14. Now that EA have had the time to fully come to grips with the constraints of Xbox One and PS4, we can expect FIFA 15 to be incredible.

So what do we know about the game?

Even more extensive graphics

From the latest trailer released we know that every one of the twenty Premier League team’s have their stadium featured, from Premier League favourites, Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge to Turf Moor, the home of Burnley, favourites for the drop in the football betting. These many stadiums add a whole other layer of realism and help keep your career mode fresh when you are having to play at a different stadiums every game. It is also a great nod to the fans of the Premier League, as many have felt somewhat aggrieved in previous years for never being able to play at home.

Dynamic Match Presentation

Going hand in hand with the stadium upgrade is the Dynamic Match Presentation which could very well become another feather in the EA Sports cap. For this edition of FIFA, the fans have been given a great deal of attention. The background fans have always been an issue for some gamers, namely as they look so out of place, and become repetitive and loathsome. This time around, fans are more realistic than ever. Furthermore, EA has created fans for a huge amount of teams, and taken into account regional and national identities. Not only are fans unique but the commentary team even acknowledges and comments on them during game time.The subs bench, fourth official and ball boys also make appearances.

The matchday experience on FIFA 15 will be the most well-rounded, intricate and complete of not just FIFA but any sports game. The fans, combined with an even more impressive commentary team, coupled with a dramatic improvement in player reactions and emotions (600 have been added), make this FIFA the new standard bearer.


Movement and control go under their yearly tweaking. In fitting with real football, players will be much more indebted to their stronger foot rather than being able to use both with ease, and, in turn, will be gifted with increased balance and superior control which should make dribbling a lot more responsive. As witnessed in previous FIFA games, certain players have their own original playing style transferred into the game and that will continue with this edition – the only difference being the number of unique players would have vastly increased. Man to man battles are also making their way into the game which allows for shoulder-to-shoulder challenges, as well as giving players the chance to evade sliding tackles.

FIFA 15 will be released on September 26.