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You Should’ve seen it Coming – Google The Movie

That’s right ladies in gentleman!

In the wake of other hype-spectacular biopics such as The Social Network, you can now look forward to Google the Movie in your theatre…eventually.

John Morris and Groundswell Productions have teamed up and acquired the movie right to Ken Auletta’s biography about the Websearch giant, called Googled: The End of the World as We Know it.
This will be used to build the foundation for the story that follows Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page as they become billionaires from the Search engine.

It should be noted that a point has been made that this biopic won’t be following the same dramatic feel of The Social Network, which focuses on the drama that came along with the Harvard students creating the ever-popular Facebook.
The Google Movie is going to be a much lighter story under the premise that it was two Standford Ph.D students who hoped to create a better search engine under principles like “You can make money without doing evil” and “You can be serious without a suit”.

Here’s a quote from Producer Michael London on the film itself:

“It’s about these two young guys who created a company that changed the world, and how the world in turn changed them. The heart of the movie is their wonderful edict, don’t be evil. At a certain point in the evolution of a company so big and powerful, there are a million challenges to that mandate. Can you stay true to principles like that as you become as rich and powerful as that company has become? The intention is to be sympathetic to Sergey and Larry, and hopefully the film will be as interesting as the company they created.”

I really enjoy the more positive way this film seems to be going than The Social Network. I think it has huge potential to be a great movie.